Pow Wow Dance | Lesson 3 - David Whitebean
RECORDED LIVE: June 9, 2022
During this class you will see some pieces of the regalia, watch a dance demonstration, and practice the basic steps of Men’s Fancy Dance. The steps will be broken down by low impact movements and we will gradually move into higher impact steps. Together we will discover our own unique flow through this pow wow dance style! Don’t forget to bring a water bottle, wear something you can move in and have space to dance in.
About the Dancer

David Whitebean is a local accomplished Pow Wow dancer and is part of the Wild Moccasin Dancers. He is Mohawk and Bajan, and has been dancing for nearly 20 years. This time he will be teaching us all about Men’s Fancy Dance.
Event Information
what to expect
- Welcome
- Warm Up
- Pow Wow Dance Tutorial
- Q&A with the Presenter
- Wrap Up

Hi, I’m Hayley! I am the Lead Educator here at Joyful Learning and the host of this event. If you have any questions about this event (or anything else) feel free to contact me. I’m here to help!
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